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The Chip Board Archive 18

sad back after 4 days....

in miami,fl.had a personal loss as my aunt which was like my 2nd mom pasted away.i spent many years down there when i first moved here from canada.found out late sunday and next day was on a plane down there.didnt get any new chips while down there but did pick up a new tattoo.guess thats how i cope with a loss is getting inked grin the sound of the neddle to me is so comforting makes me forget about all the bad thats happens.guess i grive in differnt ways people cant understand this is how i remember her as she would come in the tat place i worked in and just support me where my mom and dad never did.ok back to regular chips collecting vbg thank you for letting me talk

Messages In This Thread

sad back after 4 days....
sorry to hear Ron about your Loss
Sorry to hear Ron about your Loss
My deepest condolences, Ron
Re: Sorry for your loss.
Re: Sorry for your loss.
Sorry Ron For Your Lose
Should Read Loss-Sorry
welcome back, so sorry for your loss!
sorry for your loss
I'm very sorry
My condolences, Ron
Ron, Sorry to hear about your loss
Deepest sympathies Ron...hang tough pal!
Sorry for your loss Ron.
I am so sorry for your loss
My condolences, Ron---Sorry
I have an Aunt like that...
So very sorry, Ron!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg