Squeaky wheel finally get the chip.
Just before the Convention I won an auction for a chip from a Spanish seller. It was not Fran and I will not give his name here as he is absolutely not to blame for any of my troubles. A couple weeks after the Convention I emailed the seller asking where is my chip? He informs me it was sent registered and it arrived in here June 16th. I go to the Post Office to get the chip. Yes, it arrived, but they can't find it! Come back we will look for it, they say. I here nothing for a week and go back. Still no chip, but I get to talk to some lady from back in the bowels of the Post Office and have to give her my name and number. I will call you when we know something. After another week I not hearing anything I go back and find her name and description draw blanks from the counter personnel. I get to talk to someone I assume is in charge and he promises to call me, after another week back I go only to be told the chip was differently there for two days, but they have not found it. I have now given up all hope and decide not to bother with the three page claim form I was given. This last Saturday I check my phone messages, they found it!!!!, it had fallen into and opening it the lock and the Postmaster had to disassemble the lock box to find it. I check the USPS web site and it says I have an hour get to the Post Office before it closes. I get there in time, but the Post Office is closed! I picked up the chip today, at last. This chip collecting can be a pain some times.