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The Chip Board Archive 18

In Response To: Re: Quality of Roulettes..... ()

Remember the Resorts chipcos? I bet those people were furious when they started losing stacks at a time. LOL. I know the Player's Island, Lake Charles, LA, people were with their Chipco set. They called harvestors "Locust Thieves" and swore they would NEVER do pretty roulettes again. Then hurricane Rita came through and washed all the roulettes into the sea.

Messages In This Thread

Collecting Roulettes
Speaking of Collecting Roulettes
Re: Speaking of Collecting Roulettes
Quality of Roulettes.....
Re: Quality of Roulettes.....
Re: Bingo!
Love that blue Cal-Neva roulette...
Do you have Caesar's Palace roulettes from 1997?
Re: Do you have Caesar's Palace roulettes from 199
Wait! Make that 1995
Re: Collecting Roulettes
Re: Collecting Roulettes
That Bill's set is gorgeous Barry!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg