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The Chip Board Archive 18

new release CCG - New Function Added Extra!

Thanks to a suggestion from Michael Sisken, a new function was added to the Caribbean ChipGuide. Last week new function was added to allow the viewing of all the items submitted by a contributor or viewing items submitted by a contributor by type. This function would allow you to view all the Crest and Seal chips submitted by Rich Hanover, for example. Michael's suggestion was to be able to view items by type for all contributors, this would allow you to view all the dice or postcards on the Caribbean ChipGuide, for example. That is a good suggestion and the function has been added. To use it: First select WEBSITE INFO from the link on the left hand side of any page. Then select CONTRIBUTORS, the last link on the bottom of the page. Finally, go to the bottom of the page where you will find the totals. Just click on any of the items and all the items will be displayed. Here is a link to the CONTRIBUTORS page.

Caribbean ChipGuide Contributors

Michael, thanks for the suggestion.

Messages In This Thread

new release CCG - New Function Added Extra!
Your welcome...Thank you for all of your work grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg