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The Chip Board Archive 18

Rick, I understand what your saying and thought

you were doing a pretty good job of explaining your side.

It was only when you started insuating that possibly something fishy was going on I felt the need to speak up as you have to admit, that the seller did nothing wrong.

Sure people send cash every day just like 90% of the people on the freeway are going over the speed limit. However just because everyone else is doing it doesnt make it any less of a rule.

I understand where your coming from, but just wanted to open your eyes to the sellers way of thinking.

If I am the seller, and I dont know you but you bid on my auction which explains the terms and then ask me to accept cash, I am not sure how comfortable I would be either. Especially with someone outside the US.

I just wanted everyone to understand both sides.

Things might change when Obama becomes President and all people from other countries will automatically become Americans. Maybe we should all learn to speak Canadian Eh?

Take care and happy chipping,

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Re: Turning down cash on eBay?
Re: Turning down cash on eBay?
Still can't prove whether the
When a seller does that,
I can see his poin....
Spreli??? Something I missed
Re: Spreli??? Something I missed
and was just using as an hypathetical example
Wait just a second there Rick......
Re: Wait just a second there Rick......
Rick, I understand what your saying and thought
Re: Wait just a second there Rick......
Wait just a second there ......

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