I remember some talk about these chips and the higher denominations chips months ago when a couple rare discolored chips showed up on ebay. I find it frustrating when people hold back information on chip finds. There is an ebay seller that is currently selling a single $5 chip that looks like it came from a dig. (most likely the same place where the group came from) This seller also sold the same $5 chip in April for $750 (History link)
This seller is also selling some other rarely seen chips. I don’t know if this seller in particular knows the population of the HNO chips they are selling or when the dig took place, however I find it difficult to keep up with the slowly leaking hoards and dusty boxes of rare chips. My guess is that we will see a lot more of these chips form other collectors being resold in the next few months. Something interesting about the chip finds… even when you get totally burned on a chip, it is still just part of the game. It’s a little depressing, but it keeps the general price of chips lower (good for buying) The finds that we don’t know about will be the real killers down the line. Anyone have an opinion?