With respect to your other commentary, you said:
"I know you and I have had our differnces that go back to your post on the club board with regards to running for the Membership position. I know you have finally apologized to Sunday and that is something I was glad to hear. If you would have done so a bit sooner, we might have avoided some harsh words and you might not assume that my post is "out to get you" as I think maybe you are."
Bryan, you don't seem to understand that the "differences" are all yours. You are the owner of the problem, not me. And even though you stated: "The thing is, that's all over now." It really is NOT as long as you are the one that brings it up.
Perhaps you should just ask simplified question(s) and avoid the craftily worded extras.
Bryan, while I am certain that you are very concerned about the Club and it's members, I too have the same concerns and it would be of better benefit to the Club if you and I aren't sparring. I am more than willing to let bygones be bygones, but I will not roll-over and play dead.
Jim Follis LM 3872-53
Candidate for Secretary '09