I waited till the last minute so they arent exactly what I wanted, but they will do....
I dont know if I'll make it to Gregs get together but I'll be at the show on Thurs, my shopping will be over in a heartbeat because I have been on a small shopping spree the last few months. and at the splashbar later...
I owe personals to the following people who were kind enough to send me theirs when I didnt have one so in return, if your not coming to the show or if I dont meet you, please send me your address so I can mail one out to you.
Larry H.
Chris S.
Joe P
Debra M
Jane V.
Dennis S.
Pam H.
Jim S.
John C.
Ron L.
Bob H.
Chuck S.
Ricky P
Mike H.
Bill R
Jim C.
Steven P.
Richard J.
Ship H.
CT Rogers
Larry H.
John R
Doug S.
Thanks, ALL and If I missed someone, I'm sorry...please email me.