Memorial Day is a day to commemorate those American soldiers who died in
battle throughout our history. This is usually observed by cookouts, family
get togethers, picnics and trips to the beach. People wish each other a
Happy Memorial Day----(and they call ME twisted.)
It should be a day (weekend, if you will...) of reflection and thanksgiving. I have friends who left body parts in the jungles of Viet Nam. I work with guys who lost limbs to VC bullets. They get up each morning, strap on a mechnical leg and then go to work and do the work of two men. No #####ing, no hatred - these Americans are MY heros.
My Dad was part of the Occupational Forces in Japan - breathing and wading through the remains of the atomic bomb. I volunteered and served during the Viet Nam-era (66-70) but my 'overseas' assignment turned out to be Alaska. I know that someone, somewhere, went in my place - I hope he is well today.
Thanks to all of the Vets, from ALL the wars - those who are here today, and those who did not make it back.
If someone wishes you a "Happy" holiday this weekend, take a minute to explain it to them.
Best to all the Vets on - and elsewhere.
Steve in Albuquerque