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The Chip Board Archive 18

How about a gallon of printer ink? rofl

Although those things don't compare to gas because we use so much more gas than milk or printer ink. That reminds me, humans should not be drinking milk from cows inthe first place. Humans are the only animal that drink other animals' breast milk. eewwwww!

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Gas prices through the roof. I wonder how
It has slowed my Vegas runs down substantially
Recent road trip from
Who do you folks up there blame? grin
We blame everyone!
Trading cheaper than gas!
Have you checked the price of a gallon of milk????
...... or a gallon of paint ???? vbg
Re: ...... or a gallon of paint ???? vbg
How about a gallon of printer ink? rofl
rofl on the cows.....
Re: How about a gallon of printer ink? rofl
Current Prices adjusted for inflation...
Re: Current Prices adjusted for inflation...

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