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The Chip Board Archive 18
Here is a painting my Brother did.
In Response To:
Tracy, where did most of Gil's work go to?
Here is a painting that my Brother did. Similar to the old pinup style. It measures 30 X 40 on the board and 20 X 30 on the actual painting. It is for sale and I have it listed on ebay. Thanks!
Messages In This Thread
NCR: Just for fun! Slot machine player
Gil Elvgen was your friend's neighbor?
Yes he was.
Tracy, where did most of Gil's work go to?
Re: Tracy, where did most of Gil's work go to?
Great book!
Here is a painting my Brother did.
Re: D. L. Rust? The same Rust...
Yes! The same Rust.
Re: Yes! The same Rust.
Re: Yes! The same Rust.
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