"When I first came to this board, there were a host of folks who I really enjoyed who have left the board, many because they had become frustrated with some of the types of comments made here. I am disturbed at how frequently discussions on relevant issues become bogged down with personal attacks, and the frequency of which those isolated attacks become group attacks on persons who minority views or are new to the board and were simply asking a question. I used to keep the emails from persons I had begun corresponding with, who would write me that they were not coming back to the board (and even worse, in many cases were not going to join the club as a result)."
IMO this is pure crap.
People come and go in all hobbies.
Hobbies are the first to go in hard times. People have hard times regularly.
If you want to read some other pure crap, do an archive search for the original poster in this threads, name.