To be fair, I was prepared to suggest that Capt Banjo include his whole name and club number, but when I read the body of his post he does that, so the applicable info is included. Tim, whois a regular here, also starts out with good info (post on club website) but then makes a snide remark which was unnecessary-multiplefolks may have seen it, but not known what to suggest beyond what he had done. It is also possible someone is looking at it.
All of the folks whohave posted a response to capt banjo are decent folks (I have seen both Barry and John be not amused so this applies to all of us). The hobby, the club, this website are better off if we all offer tohelp with a smile, and avoid the venting when dealing with new members, or members who aren't regular partsof the pack.
CaptBanjo- As a fellow member of the club, I regret your difficulties. I especially regret your not getting themags andthe info on the convention. I am sure theclub magswill get to you, and if they do not, please let me know. As for theconvention, there is plenty of info available atthe club website You may wish toemail the club president and club vice president with this issue. There has been a resignation of the Membership Director, and they are far better to explain that situation than I am. The convention is 6/18-6/21, and will be heldat theRiviera. If you have questions after checking theclub website, feel free to contact me, and I will do whatever I can toanswer your questions.