Re: NCR New smoking law in Atlantic City...
They need a law like this in Las Vegas!! All of the casinos in Las Vegas stink from the smoke especially the smaller and older ones. We in Las Vegas have to hold our noses while in the casino and only go there when necessary. In this day and age you would think smoking would be prohibited everywhere except in your own home and if you want a stinking home that is your own business. After being in a casino for awhile you get home and your clothes stink from the smoke. Off they come and in the washing machine! If the smokers do not come into the casino because of the non-smoking rules, good!! Who needs them anyway! The casinos are raking in the dough by all the suckers gambling away their money anyway! If their profits go down a little too too bad for them! The big operators here in LV are spending billions of dollars in Macao opening casinos so let all the Asians stay there in Macao and stink up their casinos!! We do not need them here. That is why the LV operators are investing their billions in Macao! One day we will pass a law in LV like in AC and I am pushing it real hard with the mayor and city council. I need all the support I can get. If you want to support this action write me and we will push if to the max!! REMEMBER SMOKE DOES NOT BELONG IN OUR LUNGS IT BELONGS IN YOUR PRIVATE RESIDENCE AND NOWHERE ELSE!!