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The Chip Board Archive 18

Checking Listings For "My Cousin Vinnie" grin
In Response To: Green Duck site today ()

"Two whut?"
"Yoots, your honor."

I know, "Vinnie" was NY vs. Alabama rather than NJ vs. MS, but the same dynamic for a Left-Coaster. vbg I once went to Macintosh, Alabama, my first trip to the "By Gawd South". I see Kudzu hasn't made it to MS. yet.

Messages In This Thread

Green Duck site today
Just "Ducky"-Thanks Barry
What no Guts......Ha!check out that slow movig Car
Not guts with cops... just regular people vbg
Re: Thanks Berry!...
Checking Listings For "My Cousin Vinnie" grin
Plenty of Kudzu, just not in pic
Re: Plenty of Kudzu, just not in pic
Re: Checking Listings For "My Cousin Vinnie" grin

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