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The Chip Board Archive 18

Re: Short story (can you take it; short story? grin

MY dad's uncle (a NYPD officer) was shot on duty, killed the man with his bare hands (while bleeding profusely). The man was apparently desired as a witness against certain Irish interests. When the Uncle retired(at theurging oftheNYPD),he was able to open a very nice bar (although never was known to save anything for a rainy day), and while reportedly a very poor business person, lived a very nice retirement. I am sure it is a coincidence (besides you know how the irish are, they embellish everything).

Messages In This Thread

...and if it's determined the material is stolen
That determination has not been made yet ...
Key word was "IF" Archie ...
John; I responded to your question ...
From The Law Enforcement Perspective
I agree with that coming from a family of NYPD ...
Having NYPD bloodalso
Short story (can you take it; short story? grin )
Re: Short story (can you take it; short story? grin
grin grin grin
I disagree because
NJ = Gaming Commission and how they will call it
Re: NJ = Gaming Commission and how they will call
Re: NJ = Gaming Commission and how they will call
Re: From The Law Enforcement Perspective
To add to Von's post....
So Ed..........
As a matter of fact....
You Da man! grin do yall run AFIS there?
We still use FDLE but...
Re: From The Law Enforcement Perspective
grin grin grin grin grin
Tanya, your posts are very interesting to us...
Re: Tanya, your posts are very interesting to us..
Re: Tanya, your posts are very interesting to us..
Re: ...and if it's determined the material is stol
Re: ...and if it's determined the material is stol
Re: ...and if it's determined the material is stol
Re: ...and if it's determined the material is stol
Re: ...and if it's determined the material is stol

Copyright 2022 David Spragg