Chips (in $):
Chips (in pesos):
The casino employees did not want to give up the roulettes. I arrived at the casino around 9pm and the place was almost empty. I was playing roulette with another guy and I pocketed five of them and walked away from the table. The staff immediately knew five roulettes were missing and asked from them back. I explained I wanted them for souveniers, but they still wanted them. I waited later when the table was crowded and people were "painting" the felt with chips. I grabbed a few and walked out.
I picked up a couple of these. Note that the "VALIDATION" date on this one is 10/24/2002 - the casino did not open until December 2007. I guess this discourages people from cashing them within the 60 days.
I did not pick up a huge amount of chips. I have some club members that have already asked for some, so if I have any left after that, I will post or
I will also make better, individual scans for the Caribbean Chip guide.