The casino at Monte-Carlo knocked out 200,000 2f chips when they opened their doors (min. stake was 2f at Roulette)... These chips ("counters") were used at the tables and redeemed at the cage prior to one exiting the casino. Some were not redeemed, but rather walked (wow.. there were chippers back then, too! ), and were used in the shops and around town. Then, there was a slight problem; some jerk decided to counterfeit the 2f chip and the 200,000 turned out to be 400,000 when they were recalled and replaced with the new issue 5f chip.
The casino paid out on every chip that walked up to the age (documented in Day's work).
So, 200,000 (original chips) in a casino with just a few gaming rooms; over 100-years ago............. and we estimate how many Atlantic City Playboy chips completed the inventory 20-years ago...?