I think the reports Frank was referring to were the ones dealing with Iraq and the 4 factions. Bushhas saidhe wants toget out when stability etc is brought to Iraq. The problem is Iraq is made up of 4 factions (was 3), we don't like any of them, not as a dominant force at least). There is the faction we just defeated, the one who wants to run off hand in hand with Iran into the sunset, the Kurds who want to go to war with Turkey, and the misc groups who have coalesced (sp) under al qauida. When we leave whether in a year, or in a century, someone will get power, even the most optimistic don't expect them to be our allies (the ones that are most likely are the ones we just defeated-they were our allies before Hussein went completely insane). It is a mess, and sadly the one thing both parties, and all the experts in and out of the military seem to agree upon is it will cost us dearly in lives, and a boatload of cash.
I think double bourbons are in order.