Thanks again to all who have replied. Don't forget, I e-mailed the seller before I made payment and was promised a chip at least as good as the scan. I have another problem with the seller. Before I received the chip in question I mailed payment for another auction and two more non-auction items. When the chip in question arrived, I e-mailed him and told him not to send the non-auction items. His response was to tell me the items were mine and if I didn't like them to sell them myself. Keep in mind that these are non-auction items and I was canceling that part of my second order before my payment reached him. Unfortunately, in his mind, I'm the bad guy, after all, I don't want his bait and switch merchandise. I would stop payment on the check but I sent a money order. If he does go ahead with sending me items that I am trying to cancel, I am going to copy and paste all the e-mails involved and post them on this board. I'll have to wait and see what happens with my second order and refund for the chip in question before I take such action. As nasty as he's been to me, I'm still willing to resolve the matter and not make his name public. If he does not resolve this matter to my satisfaction I will post the e-mails.