This may not work for you but I use one with my Ventavis inhalation solution for pulmonary hypertension.
It is made by Respironics RDD (UK) Ltd. The address is...
Chichester Business Park
City Fields Way, Tangmere
Chichester PO20 2FT UK
and a phone number +44 (0)800 1300857
Possibly David Spragg could help you(?) with a secondary market over there but you'll be fighting the exchange rate.
It is very good but I have no idea what it costs as it's part of the package I get from UCLA Med Center. And, it might not do what you want either. You've no doubt already thought about this but you might try eBay or just Google "nebulizers" and see what happens. If you are a GI you might try the Veterans Administration - they seem much more helpful of late.
Good luck and God Bless.