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The Chip Board Archive 18

Congratulations Chris - and welcome! grin

Messages In This Thread

Change to names when posting new comments
vbg vbg vbg
vbg Ok just in case there is any confusion.
vbg I agree!! vbg
Re: Change to names when posting new comments
Scott, Not to rain on your parade, but wouldnt it
Re: Scott, Not to rain on your parade, but wouldnt
Welcome to the club Chris !!!!!!!
vbg Welcome to the club Chris !!!!!!!
Welcome to the club Chris !!!!!!!
Congratulations Chris - and welcome! grin
Welcome to our group!
rofl Shoop, Stop playing with those chips!!! grin
Chris, what do you collect?
Re: Chris, what do you collect?
Chris, I collect $1 chips too
grin Welcome to the Club, Chris! grin
Chris Dahl
I'm currently not a club mumber
Good idea. I understand to some degree your point
I see your point but...
Scott, I understand your position and mearly
Re: Good idea. I understand to some degree your po
Sorry, but I'm not buying that thinking, Doug. grin
John, I am sorry you feel that way as I feel it
Doug... you know full well I'm aware of
Re: Scott, Not to rain on your parade, but wouldnt
John, I never said that. However I do feel its

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