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The Chip Board Archive 18

grin How 'bout these, Brian grin

Went to see a printer friend of mine today and he had these three Black Orchid chips just sitting around in his desk drawer...just gave 'em to me!! Whatta guy, that Marc!! (I do owe him one NICE lunch, though) grin

And then I went to the post office to pick-up the little $1 Sneak Joint treasure (thanks, Skip!! grin )

I may have to ask THE BUS DRIVER if I can work for him at the convention helping him sell some beers vbg !!

See you in less than 80, buddy. grin


Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc slabFREE Serious=Only 79 Days left, WOOOOOOOOOOOO
2 months 19 days!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO
grin How 'bout these, Brian grin
grin Trust me, Dennis, they weren't free!! grin
grin Im sure they weren't!! grin
All those chips were paid for by PokerStars grin
Please STOP .....
rofl GREAT seeing you today...and thanks again
Re: rofl GREAT seeing you today...and thanks aga
Re: grin Please add 'em to shoebox...
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
sad sad DROOL!!!!, Them is "SUPER" vbg

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