Sure there's a little spin here, but that's still the bottom line... and, if it boils down to just a few who are not able/willing to buy a room at the Riviera and having to sit outside while eveyone else passes them by when the doors open; in my opinion, the club would have made a grave mistake... Actually if just a few people dont book thru the club and everyone else does, this will be the exact oposite of a grave mistake as it will be a tremendous sucess. That means we have increased out room nights significantly and all convention goers get better dates, cheaper rates and more respect from the Riv. next year
I would like to see our BOD reconsider this matter for this year's convention and then we can start anew with fresh thinking caps for next year.
This is not possible. the BOD has ALREADY put on thier thinking caps, considered many ideas, debated the pros and cons, solicited opinions and made a decision. Can the BOD reconsider this for NEXT year? we most certianly can if its something members want us to review once again. Remember that many people have already boooked thier rooms based on the announced incentives (Which is exactly what we want).