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The Chip Board Archive 18


Well I suppose the fact that I'm answering this post not to mention that I posted above for the powerball thing pretty much answers that question LOL
Yeah I'm around but have pretty much been out of chipping for the last 2 or so years. I've put my collection on hold and though I haven't sold it off, I also haven't added to it.
I suppose that means that the interest is still thee but I've been focusing on a bunch of personal problems.
Yeah, I suppose I'll be around again from time to time but as you know, too much of a good thing isn't too good either

BTW, I will say this much, though I read the boards infrequently at best, I was quite tempted to jump into that little political debate of yours and you very well know which side of the fence I'm on LOL

Just like the soldier told Chelsea Clinton...I'm only afraid of three things....Osama, Obama and Yo mamma

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grin Hello, Stranger...
Back full time Bob or is this a one time post?
Re: Well...

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