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The Chip Board Archive 18

ccgtcc Can you believe it, Only 99 Days until vbg

The 16th ccgtcc Conv, "SPLASHBAR IV", & The 3rd annual "SPLASHBAR" awards, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! & If that ain't enough, let get serious & how about Sheldon & the Seminars he has set up. Even if you did not buy or trade a chip during the Conv, these are worth attending. SO plaease don't miss out & attend if you can. I hope to see you all there. "MR SPLASHBAR"

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Can you believe it, Only 99 Days until vbg
grin Now I Can Offically Start my "HAPPY DANCE" grin
vbg YAZAAAAAA!!!! vbg
waving my singles for the dance rofl....
Happy Happy, Joy Joy!
Ninety Nine is Fine !!!!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg