Like Barry, we have some stacks of trays on shelves
And we have boxes of trays (all of these boxes are ashtrays, but this is not all of our ashtray boxes!)
Unlike Barrys boxes, ours are well-packed with a layer of foam between each tray!
This set of shelves used to be filled with ashtrays, and nothing else. It also used to have bracket-thingies on each side that the shelves slid into, so you could adjust the height of the shelves. Unfortunately the weight of the ashtrays caused the bracket-thingies to collapse! Now the shelves are held up by stacks of chips, dice, and even paper slot cups!
(The white things are rubber stoppers, so there's no chance of the shelf sliding out when the door is slid open!)
This Tropicana tray is displayed on a pedestal
But the ones that look the nicest are displayed on easels . This set of 4 trays has old chips pictured on them (Sands, Flamingo, DI & Trop)
There's a row of square trays along the back of the top shelf of one of our display cases (The Commercial tray in the front and the orange-logo El Cortez tray are both pretty rare)
A side view of a couple of the easels
The Buckley's tray is on an easel
The Safex trays look great in easels!
Seems like the trays that are just sitting on the shelf usually end up with something IN the tray, even if the 'something' is another ashtray!
One very important tip...If you use easels to display your trays, TAPE the tray to the easel...but just tape on the glass, not on the painted design. The easels aren't made to fit ashtrays, so they won't be real secure if you don't tape 'em. I just use the 3/4" shiny Scotch Tape. Any residue that stays on the tray can be easily removed with goo-gone, without damaging the tray...but remember to tape only on the glass.