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The Chip Board Archive 18

NCR: When I was a waitress... my younger years in Colorado, I worked at a quaint restaurant on the edge of a creek. We prided ourselves in the abundant wildlife that came daily and many customers brought out-of-state guests who would seriously ask:

- "When does that small one turn into the big one?"
......the small one is a DEER, the big one is an ELK.....hell, ask your friends that brought you, they'll explain it!

- "The creek is so beautiful, what time do they turn it off at night?"
.....The spigot is hidden around the corner, last out at night turns the creek off.

-"What time do the wild Mallard ducks show up in the morning?"
....(this was our favorite) We'd yell at the bartender, "What time are you coming in tomorrow?, because it's YOUR turn to load all the ducks up in your truck and bring them up for work"...and then we'd argue about who's "turn" it was!

And to think I actually made money working there!

Messages In This Thread

NCR--Which way is north? vbg And other...
Re: NCR--Which way is north? vbg And other...
NCR: When I was a waitress...
OMG! Too funny Tammy grin
Re: NCR--Which way is north? vbg And other...
Canooks gettin' kinda testy, eh?
Yes we do get testy at times....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg