At this point, I think it is down to a popularity contest between Obama and Clinton. Both I feel are the same on all topics. Difference of "Experience vs. Change" are just cute little catch phrases.
I think the general public views on the candidates will spread the margins even further. I think Clinton's platform of "Experience" will backfire on her. Her "experience" is with the very same government that people are fed up with. Obama is on a fast train that I just don't think can even be slowed, let alone derailed.
I think people are concerned about Clinton's temper, and her close ties to the lobbyists. On the other hand, Obama has steered clear of Lobby money and seems to be able to stay even tempered even when faced with frustrating situations. When dealing with crazy Muslim leaders, crazy Korean leader, and well crazy leaders worldwide, this could make a difference for effectiveness.
McCain, on the other hand, I think, has people concerned about his ability, or desire to get us out of the war in a timely manner.
All that said, I have always had a lot of respect for Ralph Nader. I think he'd do a great job domestically. However, I don;t know how well he'd do on the world stage.
Disclaimer: the views expressed here are not the views of the, nor are endorsements for any of the above listed candidates. No animals were harmed in the making of this post. My name is Terry Shaffer, and I approve this message.