Military money came out because of the need to control currency. During the war black markets pop up for people to find luxury items they miss during war time and supplements they will need that are in short supply. If American soldiers arrived with American Dollars (and used as exchange for French goods) the dollars could easily be used in the black market bringing valuable currency into exchange. The government was cautious with American Dollars so these special notes were made to use rather than the American Dollar.
The ‘Flag-back’ notes were issued as “Supplementary French Franc Currency.” What makes this note exciting and special is that these notes were carried by the soldiers in the D-Day invasion. There is something special in holding a witness to D-Day.
These notes printed by Forbes Lithograph Corporation were issued by Dwight D. Eisenhower as part of operation “Tom Cat.” Charles De Gaulle protested because he felt that France was not fully consulted on issuing these. I will cut the story short as it is already a bit ‘windy.’ The note has no watermark, UV code, security thread, or much in the way of security features. ENJOY!!
No map because they were issued in the USA (I hope you already know where that is!