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The Chip Board Archive 18
Rich, see my post way below....
In Response To:
Re: And is it really that different...
Chipper Friends Page
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(Message Deleted by Poster)
This auction raises serious questions in my mind
(Message Deleted by Poster)
You should know...
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Your changes make it very clear
(Message Deleted by Poster)
You should be ashamed of yourself !!!
I agree completely with Terry.
heres a fake!
Re:4 more
What if ....
And what if ....
And is it really that different...
Re: And is it really that different...
Re: And is it really that different...
Re: And is it really that different...
Re: And is it really that different...
Tell us how you really feel?
Re: And is it really that different...
Rich, see my post way below....
Re: And is it really that different...
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(Message Deleted by Poster)
Excellent decision!! Thanks, Bob.
Excellent decision!! Thanks, Bob.
Is there an echo in here??
HUH?? What?? Hey?? WOOO
Excellent decision!! Thanks, Bob.
I have some mixed feelings on this subject...
Speaking of tradmarks; another "Smorse" action....
Archie, Here You Go
Thanks for the post Barry ...
Re: Nice Hot Stamp Set on EBAY!
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