"I would think a petition showing xxx number of members as favoring a change would be more likely to gain the attention of the club officers than a letter from one person."
Don, the non-binding poll is skewered for the following reason. How do we know what the percentage is of CLUB MEMBERS who have responded? Anyone who has a keyboard and on-line terminal can respond to this poll.... members and non-members alike.
Secondly; to change the C&BL is more than simply submitting "a petition from xxx number of members favoring a change". The formal proposal to change the current C&BL requires that the proposal be published in the club magazine (the official means of communicating with the club membership) and voted upon by the ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP.
Thirdly; I've not heard anyone raise the question of how this proposed name chage would affect our I.R.S. non-profit status as an educational organization if we were to lump in all these off-beat collectables.
Lastly; I'm a firm believer in the addage, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".