Whether or not it is designated that the buyer pay for shipping, or insurance, the buyer does pay. It is part of the price of the item. Those sellers who do not charge for shipping simply include their shipping costs in their price or their minimum bid if an auction. Thats OK, I don't expect them to take a loss. Even if no insurance is purchased and the seller makes good on a lost or damaged shipment he will recoup this in future sales We may not notice because the risk becomes spread out over a wide area.
I expect people who are dealing chips to make some profit, maybe they do, maybe they don't but they have every right to try. If they think it will help them to sell a chip for $7.00 plus $1.00 for shipping. fine if they think it will help to sell the chip for $8.85 including shipping and insurance that is fine with me. I'll make up my mind on a chip by chip basis. But the bottom line is I know that when I buy from a dealer that I have to pay the dealers costs + a little bit for him.