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The Chip Board Archive 18

Second collectors meeting in Germany


last year we had our first collectors meeting in Germany. I wrote about it here at the chipboard.

It was so interesting and we had so much fun that we will meet again next April. This year we will be in Baden-Baden. It is a very nice town
with one of the most beautiful old casinos in Europe. The gathering will be from April 4th to April 6th. About 20 collectors from Germany,
Switzerland and Belgium promised to join. I am sure, that again it will be a great meeting. We will talk, trade, sell, buy and gamble.

Everyone from all over the world is invited!! If you are interested in coming to the meeting please contact me by mail for more information.
Nearly everyone of us can speak some english so it would be no problem to talk to you.

Here you can see some more photos from last year:

Best regards,
Bjoern Zabel

Messages In This Thread

Second collectors meeting in Germany
Re: Second collectors meeting in Germany
Nice web-site. Wished I could come...
Very nice
I would to come, my wife is from Sweden and we go

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