I feel the seller is the one responsible for the item until the buyer gets it. I have always felt that way. I won't buy an item anymore from eBay if the seller is going to make me buy insurance. The postage I'll pay if it is within reason.........I bought an item from someone on eBay the other day who will remain nameless, but, LOVES to use the word "rare" in his auctions. He charged me $1.80 to mail the item (one chip) across town. This was an item I only paid $20 for & he has others. He refused to come down on the postage & since I was the winning bidder & knew of the charge going in I paid it. I also told him I would never do business with him again. A majority of the sellers on eBay are padding their profits by charging WAY too much for what they call "shipping & handling". The only way to wake them up to the fact that we won't pay the high cost is to not bid on their items.
Andy - Las Vegas