Here is the news clip on the Area 51 name change... Now everyone should be caught up
January 23, 2008 New Friendly Face of Area 51 According to a bizarre item in the generally unbizarre Air Force Times, the Air Force's classified test range at Groom Lake, Nev., popularly known as Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, The Box, and, most famously, Area 51 has been officially renamed "Homey Airport." We have absolutely no idea why and neither did the spokeswoman for Nellis Air Force Base, which sits 85 miles south of Homey Airport and is responsible for the airspace and ground facilities there, but it should certainly make it sound more welcoming to any passing extraterrestrials who happen to spot it on the map.
The first and second time I read this article I could have sworn they changed the name to Horney Airport...