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The Chip Board Archive 17
REALLY?? Explain this.....
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You are correct, Ralph...
The first one is an email where eBay notified me I was outbid at $31.23 and wants me to INCREASE MY BID.... (See Screen Shots below) a screen shot of the ENDED auction (Note the times) I (fud) won at $29
Next screen shot is a bid history showing 12 bids... there were 13 at the last few seconds then it went to 12 and closed. The 13th bid DISAPEARED
Screen shot showing he has 1 RETRACTION from this buyer that registered yesterday (Look unter Buyer tab)
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Reverse Sniping? I've seen it all now!!
Re: Reverse Sniping? I've seen it all now!!
You are correct, Ralph...
REALLY?? Explain this.....
retraction rules are below...
He followed the rules, but I don't think this...
I agree with you, Mike...his bid that he
He bid $430 and then said it was an error
Thanks Charles... I feel better now.
Re: He bid $430 and then said it was an error
i didn't know silver notes were $30 a piece!
Evidently SOME from 1923 ARE!
These are not the same as you pick up... see pic
these are my finds
Series 1923 was the last of the LARGE notes...
Re: these are my finds
Well, there looks like a legit bid...
Re: Well, there looks like a legit bid...
Good point
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