Just got an email from an experienced roulette harvester, with an interetsting suggestion. He proposed that we make up teams of 5 members. All teams meet at a desginated place, like Jim Mundings room, at 3:00 or 3:30 on any afternoon. The teams then fan out all over the town & meet back 2 or 3 hours later, at that same spot. All of the roulettes are then dumped onto a table, counted, sorted & examined, & the team with the most roulettes is declared the winner of the run. The spoils are then shared by all participants, with the winning team being treated to drinks & food by the losers. Sounds like an interesting proposal. We could have teams from the east, central & west, or any other combination. Lets really give this some serious deliberations & come up with some sort of strategy before we all get to Vegas. I would like to personally ask Jim Perlowski to act as the sole judge of the run, if he is so inclined.