I want to change the picture size that is displayed on the main tab. Do I just adjust the Height and Width? What about the Left and Top dimensions and the Index? They are currently at the default of H=0.960, W=0.960. I'd like them to be something like 240 pixels by 240. Also do I have to scan them at that size, or will the programme auto-scale them for display?
What are Unit Value and Lot Value used for? Do I need them?
On the notes tab there is a box for Inventory Code. Is there a way to have the programme automatically assign a code, or do I have to do it manually.
Also, on the main tab I would like to adjust the height, not width, of the Description box. Can this be done?
Any handy tips and tricks other C.A. users have, would be fun to see.
Sorry if this wasn't the place to pose these questions, but I thought other users might benefit from some tips as well.