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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?

Southern California home of slab homes and crawl spaces. One home on my block has a cellar that was dug by the original 1941 owner. My Aunt and Uncles home in Shell Knob MO. had a cellar and an additonal 6 x 12 tornado room into the hillside thru the cellar. Also served as a hidden vault. They lived in what was called Tornado alley, although I can't recall any tornadoes hitting there

Messages In This Thread

grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Re: grin Calif basement/cellar?
No cellers or basements in this area!
Naughty Words
no basements in South Carolina
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Very few basements here
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Does a 20-case plug-in wine cellar count? vbg
Re: grin Does your house have a basement/cellar?
Hey John....
I have basement with 9' walls
Looks good... Please keep us updated w/ progress.
Thanks John, it's actually finished!
grin Thanks, Everyone...
Not in the Mississippi Delta

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