Re: Correction/Update.
About 14 years ago when we were living in a townhouse, some people came thru very early saturday morning or late friday night, depending on how you look at time, and broke into from what I can remember 10 or more corvettes. They smasked either side window and quickly popped the 4 bolts holding the top in and took the tops(they are all 1 piece). They didn't touch another thing in the cars, even if it was sitting right there on the console wide open. The top from GM goes for over $2,000 and the factory alarm on the corvette would only go off if they had unloced the door after they smashed the window, but they didn't. They went thru the whole townhouse developement in minutes and were not caught.
I know - my 1988 Corvette was one of them.
After getting a new top installed and the window fixed, I had another alarm installed to at least keep some of the losers away.