Many people set their "home" location, somewhere other than home, because it's too easy to figure out where the owner lives and open the unit.
The suggestion is, set you home to someplace else, that the crooks won't know. I don't have my Nav GPS yet, but when I get one, I'm considering the local police station parking lot as my home. Nice big lot, with plenty of parking and security cameras rolling 24/7. I don't think the crooks will go there to try to open the units. The two that I have for computers, come with me, and don't have windshield mounts.
At least with Garmin, and I don't know about others, there's a message that comes up to update the unit. So when the crooks send it in, the owner gets it back.
Not much help if you have deductible insurance and have to pay for the window on the car yourself. Homeowners insurance should cover the unit. Same thing... what's the deductible, you get screwed my the crooks again.
Remember when this was car radios? Now they don't even bother. Hopefully people who have a compass or something else, won't have their cars smashed, for nothing.
And people wonder why I carry my camera and computer into the bar, restaurant, work or wherever I go, because it's just an attractive temptation for the dumb f*s that break windows, grab anything and then run. I'm still worried that one of them will steal my dirty laundry some day, because I carry camping extras and spare clothes in a backpack and a Rubbermaid.
I'm with you on side windows. If someone is smashing the front windscreen, they are thick as bricks. It's laminated and doesn't give easy access to the door locks. From what I've seen, and experience myself, they smash the drivers side back window, and reach in to open the lock. Used to be wing windows, but I don't know if any cars have those anymore? Watch for cars with a broken out rear drivers side. It's either stolen or was broken into.
ps a bean bag is a great GPS mount, cheap and can be tossed under the seat or into the glove box. Leaves no ring. There are also vent mounts, but you still have to remove and install it, or it's a sign that a GPS may be onboard.