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The Chip Board Archive 03

A fish story....'s one that didn't get away! No one would believe it without
a picture.....this is the reason why I don't swim/jet ski in the
delta here in CA....I don't want to be in water with fish that big!!
Everyone has explained to me that these fish won't bother me, but I
don't care!! I'm not taking any chances!

Fish is a sturgeon....approx. 200 lbs....don't know the length...but
as you can see, not all of it was in the picture. And before anyone
starts yelling at me, I know you're not supposed to haul those big
guys into the boat for a picture! Shhh...don't tell anyone...
And yes, the sturgeon was released back into the wild....(illegal to
keep one that big!..Not fair!)...took approx. an hour to reel in...
..both fish and fisherman were exhausted.


Messages In This Thread

A fish story....
Re: A fish story....
Re: A fish story....
Re: A fish story....
Re: Yep.....
Re: Yep.....
Re: Yep.....
Re: Yep.....
Re: I hear ya...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg