Don't laugh - these chips are used on Roulette ...
.... tables to keep track of buy in and chip values per stack of 20 Roulette chips. When you buy in at a Roulette table the dealer puts a chip of your color on the edge of the Wheel or in a rack near the Wheel along with one of the markers shown in the Auction. Example, if you buy in for $1.00 per chip a 20 would be placed on your chip designating that a stack of 20 of your roulette chips are worth $20.00 - if you buy in for $5.00 per chip a 100 would be placed on your chip designating that a stack of 20 of your chips are worth $100.00. This procedure keeps things straight when you cash in your Roulette chips in for value cheques - the dealer whoever it may be at the time you cash in will look at the marker on top of your chip and pay you off accordingly.
Whether these chips were actually used at the SANDS is another question !!!
Take care,
"Mr. Roulette"