... or thereabouts. Because of his broken service, he was somewhat older than might otherwise have been the case. He did six years during/after WWII (1942-1948), was out completely from 1948-1955, then went back into the reserve. His reserve unit (ship, actually, the USS DeLong) was activated during the Berlin crisis. Then he was offered nuclear weapons school if he would remain on active duty. At that time, he was a first class, but made chief right away when he re-upped. Then made E-8 and E-9 each in the shortest possible time.
He happened to be stationed in Long Beach on the USS Frank E. Evans at the time I graduated from West Point and took a Navy commission. My first (temporary) duty assignment was at MinePac HQ in Long Beach. The COMCRUDESPAC magazine set up a photo op for my first day of active duty following graduation leave and had me visit the Evans. They had my Dad standing the quarterdeck watch when I arrived, so that my first ever official Navy salute was to him.
----- jim o\-S