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The Chip Board Archive 17

How do you know that it is a back up chip

and not the chip that Claridges opened with in 1981? (assuming they used a $1 when they opened)
Reason I ask is that I just took a good look at a couple of CLA-1 (green lettering) chips and they were definitely made later in the 1980's. True they may have been a re-order, but, have you ever seen a CLA-1 with spun (concentric circle) inlay like the one you say is a back-up?
In 1981, ALL Bud Jones coin centers were spun. The process whereby they were punched out from sheets etc. was not even conceived at that time.

Alternatively, it could be a chip that was delivered but never put into play. Either way, that brown lettered chip was made way before the green one.

Messages In This Thread

Never saw the black one before! grin
Could it be a mule?
Could it be a backup chip?
Re: Could it be a backup chip?
Re: Could it be a backup chip?
Not only $1 backup chips ...
How do you know that it is a back up chip
From several sources David ...
This is the $5 backup chip from Hi-Ho
"so what is your point?"
"believe it" David
This is the primary color $1 chip
Thanks for that info.
Here is a link for you David ...
I don't believe this regulation addresses back-up
Don; All I know is what I'm told by ...
Not a fake.... I have one as well....
Back up $2.50 from Trump Castle ...
Here is another example of a $1 A.C. backup chip
This is the $1 chip that the backup replaced.
Could it be a Training School Chip?
Not a Fake

Copyright 2022 David Spragg