A couple of days ago I mentioned that my Silver Palace chip was lost in the mail.It was mailed on the 6th of October and the seller and I had given up hope that it would ever arrive and were negotiating a deal that would work out for the both of us.Well...lo and behold...it arrived today.No explanation...no reason...nothing...BOOM!...there it was in the mail.
Looks like the custom's idiots sliced open a portion of the envelope and took the chip out to look at it,realized that it was not a WMD and put it back inside,sealed the envelope with yellow tape and then decided to ????...what??...let it sit on a table for weeks?
Man I am so ticked off with these clowns!...but what can you do? We live in uncertain times I guess.
BUT...on the bright side:the chip has arrived...I am happy...the seller is happy and I am through venting for the day which will make everyone else happy.