I don't know if these ?s have been asked before or not, so if I'm repeating past posts, I apologize. I suppose Greg Susong could answer these, but any input is welcome.
1) Why aren't card rooms included in the chipguide? It seems to me this would be an important on-line resource.
2) Has any update project ever been discussed, where such updates could be assigned and implemented? For example, Mr. X, Mr. Y, and Mr. Z volunteer to scan their CA cardroom chips and upload them to the chipguide. To avoid duplication of numbers, only Greg could assign CG numbers to them. Likewise, Mr. A could do Colorado chips not already listed, Mr B and Mr. C could do Washington, Mr. D could do Louisiana, etc. etc. etc. Once volunteers had been assigned, people with the rarer chips could email scans to them for anonymous posting.
3) Even if this were to take years, wouldn't it be worth it? This would mean people wouldn't have to buy a ton of reference books and try to figure out what they mean....let's face it, reading that chip N00008 has fourteen blue-black inserts, while chip N00009 has fourteen black-blue inserts is fairly useless, especially as we get older. Clear images would definitely be better. It would also simplify trading, as it would be easier to say I have CG984543 and it could be easily looked up, especially if it was from (for example) Montana, and people didn't have the Montana reference book available.
If desired, Greg could password protect the site and make it available for a nominal fee, say $2 a year. I sure know that I'd pay it in a second.
Just an idea, but what do you all think?