ok, paypal is like cash, so what would you think if that gas station told you "we'll take your cash, but we're giving you 6% + $0.30 less than your paying for because theres not a damn thing you can do about it"
Shawn, not sure how old you are, but when I was growing up, people paid different prices for gas whether they paid with cash or credit. Businesses now charge more and absorb the costs to them of taking credit cards as a cost of doing business, but you can be sure that cost is passed back along to you. Nothing is free in life. You pay one way or another and it's not always visible on the surface. Paypal and ebay are for-profit businesses. If you want to do business with them, it's not going to be free. Why should it be? You can advertise in the paper and it's not free and you reach one city maybe. You advertise your goods on ebay (for less than an ad in any paper) and you reach millions increasing your odds of selling a million-fold. Should that be free? Paypal offers you a convenient service to pay for and buy goods. Should that be free? One would be living in a dreamland to expect something for nothing.