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The Chip Board Archive 17

Susong KC Star Letters to the Editor II

Sonic ads amuse

In response to “Bad Sonic ads” (11/18), whoever does not appreciate those ads is just not hip and creative.

They’re the most creative ads on TV.

When I’m in the other room and I hear one of the guys talking, I run in to watch it. I do that with no other commercial.

They’re both dummies. We all know that. That’s why it’s so funny.

I’m a hip 68-year-old grandmother, but I can still see creativity. (To each his own, I realize.)

Get with it, sir. Lighten up. Learn to laugh.

Patti Weinrich Davis

Overland Park

I am calling about Robert Caruso’s “Bad Sonic ads” in the Sunday paper (11/18, Letters). Evidently the Sonic ads keep his attention or he would not know so much about them. So I would say they’re working.

Luann Johnston

Kansas City

This Sonic commercial, produced by Kansas City’s Barkley Evergreen, features married couple Molly and Brian. Other ads feature characters named T.J. and Pete.

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Susong KC Star Letters to the Editor II
Here's the two sonic guys responding...
Re: Here's the two sonic guys responding...
Re: Jim, one in Anaheim, one...
Re: Jim, one in Anaheim, one...

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